Alumni Donations Creating Student Opportunity and Life Success

We believe your contributions to our department must be met with the utmost effort to put your generosity to efficient and effective use. On this page we list a handful of the projects which have been made possible using your donations. Thank you for your kind support.



Our students are fortunate to be able to access a significant number of scholarship opportunities, many of which are made possible by your donations.

These scholarships make possible a rewarding career in chemical engineering for students who would otherwise be held back by financial constraints, and the effects of helping even one talented chemical engineer reach their potential may echo for many years.

Graduate Fellowships

Educating our Ph.D. students is a costly endeavor, but produces graduates who are at the forefront of their specialty and able to perform independent research.  Creating a fellowship for a graduate student can enable new research directions as faculty and PhD students work together to advance the cutting edge.

Computer Labs

starley-labOur Industrial Computing Center and Starley Computer Lab provide computer access and study space for students.

The Starley computer lab is conveniently placed adjacent to our unit operations lab, allowing student teams the ability to simultaneously perform their data analysis, and write their reports, while conducting experiments in the lab.

The ICC also functions as instructional space where students can learn programming and other software tools such as Aspen+ and ProMax.

Laboratory Renovations

Lab Renovations:

The projects laboratory is the setting for our capstone courses and we soon hope to bring freshmen into this lab through the addition of a freshman design laboratory to our curriculum. While such a facility requires a significant investment and reoccurring costs to maintain, we know a quality education for our students depends a great deal upon their hands-on laboratory experience. Your donations have helped us enrich that experience to a remarkable extent.
With your help we have added new equipment and teaching modules; a list of all our equipment and projects may be found here. Our unit operations lab has never been better equipped to give our students training on the type of equipment they may encounter in their careers,


and we are continually working to add to and modernize our projects.
Your donations have allowed us to renovate our biolab, to create an environment where students may gain valuable experience in biochemical engineering processes (see the before and after pictures below).

The Biolab: Above: A wide-angle view of the renovated biolab. Left: before and after photographs of the biolab; mouseover to see the renovations.

Donations have also been used to create a new analytical lab for our students. By removing the wall between two underutilized rooms and adding cabinetry and desks, our students now have a clean and comfortable area to get the most out of their data collection and analysis.

The Analytical Lab: Above: A wide-angle view of the new analytical lab. Left: before and after photographs of the analytical lab with the removal of a wall between two rooms. Mouseover to see the renovations.