PhD Supervisory Committee
Your supervisory committee is responsible for approving your academic program of study, approving your dissertation subject, reading and approving all necessary writings associated with your dissertation, and administering and judging the final oral examination.
The chair of your supervisory committee will direct your research and writing in order to prepare you for your proposal and final defense.
Decisions concerning your program requirements, examinations, and/or your dissertation will be made by majority vote of your supervisory committee.
Committee Membership
Your supervisory committee must consist of five faculty members.
Your Ph.D. advisor is the committee chair. The majority of the committee must be tenure-line faculty in the Chemical Engineering department.
One member of the committee must be appointed from outside the Chemical Engineering department. The outside member is normally from another University of Utah department, however, the dean of the Graduate School may approve requests to appoint a committee member from another university where appropriate justification and supporting documentation is provided. Any outside members must send their CV and acceptance to be on your committee via email to Wanda Brown at