Information & Requirements

Admission to intermediate status requires an overall GPA of at least 2.5 and no less than a C- in the listed classes. To apply for intermediate status, students must have completed or have received AP credit for CHEM 1210, CHEM 1215 (or 1230), and MATH 1310 (or 1311). Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in the remaining courses listed below; if you are currently enrolled in a course, please mark “enrolled” in the grade column.

Transfer students who are transferring credits from outside of the State of Utah are required to have a Transfer Agreement(Excel) approved before applying for Intermediate Status. Students transferring from a in-state school are NOT REQUIRED to submit a Transfer Agreement form. If you have not completed this, please complete the Transfer Agreement and submit it for approval with Dr. Geoff Silcox.

Please complete this table. If you are using transfer credits, AP credits, or other classes from the University of Utah, please fill in the equivalent course number or AP test score. Students must also meet with an academic advisor as part of the Intermediate Status application.

Conditional approval will be given to students who have not completed the classes in the second group. Approval for intermediate status will occur within one week. You will be notified about your status by email. Intermediate status approval includes access to the Industrial Computing Center (ICC).

If you have any questions, please contact Tracey Farnsworth at (801) 585-7175 or


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